mostly trips to the zoo for my anthropology project on primates but i still worked in a little visiting time with my friend aj who works at the japanese friendship garden in the park and just wander around looking at all the great architechure and just all of balboa's overall granduer and history.

the speckles organ theatre

the giant fountain outside the natural history museum and ruben h fleet center

aj in one of the many courtyards in the park.
._______. i feel like i should've taken more pictures for this post to give a better idea of what balboa park looks like but since i'm a sd native and i've been here a lot i'm not really into looking like a tourist going camera happy with my camera phone. lol also plus i feel like special places like this deserve to have their photos taken by a camera that is not part of a phone. haha
i also feel like balboa is like one of the perfect places to go "camera whoring" in haha

[[blazer-ross, tank top- calvin klein, shorts-target, flats-soho lab, necklace-borrowed from cousin]]
this was at the organ theatre that was right next door to the friendship garden and i was just killing time here while i waited for aj to finish work to go buy our friend her bday present.

[[ chinese coke a cola shirt-coke store in vegas, shorts-target]]
this was last wednesday when aj and i went to the ruben h fleet center for a little field trip for my astronomy lab. it was in this crazy dome shaped movie screen theatre and it showed "the sky tonight" and it was pretty trippy.
actually before we went inside i kind of invisioned the episode of freaks and geeks were they went to the lazer dome to watch a pink floyd lazer show. haha

aaaaaaaaaand this is me looking like a dork trying to look like golum or something in the children's museum in the ruben h fleet center lol "aj take my picture quick!" "whatre you trying to do?" "look like a monster or something with all the smoke! cmon!" "dude you're such a dork"

in truth i haven't been to balboa since 5th grade and i haven't really been around the whole entire park [[it's pretty big]] but i feel like this season is the season of balboa and there's just a whole bunch of things that's gonna happen here in the near future. [[now i just need a better camera...-,-]]] but i'll forsure blog about them when they happne ;]
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