Friday, December 31, 2010
rhythm heaven
we were supposed to look like this:
but since more than half of our "club" haven't reached a double digit ages yet, it was kinda hard to organize lol
anyhoo, enjoy :]
Monday, December 27, 2010
rollin with the punches
this is actually how i've been feeling since last thursday :(
plus since school's ended i've also lost my other wifi source :/
anyhoo, not to depress you guys any longer, i've bought some new clothes since break has started! :D more pieces to add and play with!
i finally bought a legit cardigan! this is one of the two that i've purchased [[i haven't really figured out how to wear the other one just yet but don't worry, it'll be up as soon as i'm feeling better]] it's also kinda funny that when i was trying it on with my other clothes, i totally felt like my cousin yvanna bc she wears cardigans almost all the time. i even texted her while i was dressing up saying "yvan, i feel/look like you wearing the cardigan i wore today. lol"
anyhoo, how were your holiday shopping adventures? :]
Saturday, December 11, 2010
the most wonderful day of the year!
so december nights is basically this kind of festival that happens in balboa park every december and last for, eh, two nights. this year was my third year going and i went with my friend janel and her friend regine. [[usually i go with my cousins eliza and yvanna but one of them moved to hawaii and the other went the previous day with her family...without me...which is sad cuz we usually have a grand ol time just us two but hey, theres always next year!]]
anyhoo, i look forward to it every year for the free museums, street fashion, all and all the cool booths there selling fantastic treasures [[one booth literally did sell treasures though. like, sunken ship, pirate yada yada treasures. it was pretty awesome and i would've loved to buy some but they were so expensive T^T *sigh* if only i rubber band banks in my]] last year yvanna bought a shell ring that is personally one of my favorites in our combined jewelry arsenal and i regret not buying one of my own.
in the end though i ended up doing a lot of walking around doing cutesy poses with janel and regine around balboa park [[a must do bc that's the thing to do in balboa lol well, that and we're just love taking pictures of ourselves c[: ]]
[[yeaaaa idk who that lady is...she was just there when i took the picture lol]]
[[o the dispairs of being lactose intolerant...]]
[[this is around 5pm i think. still abit early but it gets pretty packed really fast]]
[[i'm sure you guys recognize this! it's the giant fountain infront of the rhuben h fleet center! :D]]
[[a terminator dog whose eye lasers are set to "stun" lol]]
[[me and my friend janel]]
[[janel and regine]]
[[the three of us in this small courtyard behind a fancy schmancy resturant. a lot of ppl actually get married here and it's perfect for such an occasion actually ]]
[[janel: "i'm wishing i'm wishing, for the one i love to find me, to find me, todaaayyy" lol]]
[[one of the things i bought that night :] a ram hat. was really close to buying a panda one but everyone had one of those plus i'm an aries and i really like my sign x] plus i'mn excited to incororate it into my wardrobe this winter ]]
[[at the end of the night :] the end :D]]
phew that was a lot! hope you guys enjoy! :D
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
marry you
it feels like it was just yesterday that i last posted! gah!
anyways, i kinda feel like the last couple of weeks have practically been dedicated to the new leather jacket i bought like, what, two weeks ago? i didn't even notice how often i've been wearing it! i just feels so cozy and looks good with almost every outfit i've worn out these past couple of days!
[[look! i'm in my backyard! havent been here in a while...]]
i've been wanting to pair my leather jacket with a girly dress for quite some time now and i finally did last thursday and also my zig zag tights. i've only worn them out twice since i've gotten them forever ago and i've been having a hard time figuring out what to wear them with for the longest time. plus they're a tad on the itchy side so i had to get used to them and ususally that takes some time. but at least they were pretty sufficient in keeping me warm :]
also, idk if you guys notice or not [[usually you can on my chictopia]] i usually take outfit shots in the stairwell next to my asl class on tues and thurs.
i kinda forgot why i didn't do it again last thursday, maybe bc i was talking to someone or didn't have time? idk. anyhoo, i think it was a nice change of pace to take photos in my backyard again. :]
it's also kinda funny that my dogs are more "hammish"? when i'm taking pictures in the backyard instead of in my room. i guess it's cuz they have my comfy bed to lounge on and just prefer to watch me run back in forth between my tripod and photo spot. lol but yea, they were totally running around to me trying to get into the shot but unfortunately i wasn't able to get a decent one of both of them. they're so fidgety! but then again, boys will be boys :/
zorro here on the other hand pretty much prefered to stay with me the whole mini shoot :]
i know people shouldn't really regard their dogs as humans and should treat them first and formost as dogs and i totally try to do that with my dogs, but i still consider them "my boys" or "my babies" :] before i got my license i usually spent a lot of time at home with my dog frisco and he was pretty much my buddy at home [[a bit sad but i swear i have human friends! lol i just couldn't get a ride to see them or go out]] and it's pretty evident that i spend a lot of time with him since i've taught him a bunch of tricks c[:
i was even teaching him to fetch toilet paper from down stairs before i got zorro last year. i personally think that i could've gotten him to do it with more time but since we had a new puppy in the house, zorro's mostly been taking up most of my time -,-.
but anywas, i took photos for a little bit until my mom came home and asked me what i was doing taking pictures of she doesn't read my blog and i don't even really think that she really understands my blogging but she's seen me do it every now and then. ...then i get embarrassed and end my photo shoot then and there lol
ALSO! went to the december nights festival at balboa park this weekend and i'll post up pictures next post! :D [[i'll dress down and try to not to play dress up with my clothes till we're all caught up k? :D]]
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
black sheep come home
ok, not gonna lie, i totally felt bad ass in my outfit today x]
what with the skulls and stripes and red lip, hell, today i felt like i got it together B] lol
ironically my inspiration was from this really sweet picture in my favorite japanese magazine where this lady was remixing 14 items to make a whole month's worth of outfits
see? she looks totally cute right? but i think when i took it into my own hands the stipes just made me feel a little bit of a rocker c[: well, that and the other scarves i tried on didn't look right with my outfit. but the skull scarf that i hadn't worn in ages felt like it got life breathed back into it again :] [[*british accent* saved it from the clothing pound i did x) ]]
and cousin and i totally went off on the whole "rock and roll" theme... broke out the guitar hero 3 guitar and even a mickey mouse top hat towards the end cuz my cousin yvanna thought i looked like i even made a new playlist on the mp3 feature on my phone called "bad assery" filled with...bad assery songs. mostly rock and a little bit of rap and hip hop :]
had a total blast doing this mini photo shoot with my cousin in her front yard. [[to tell you the truth i like doing photo shoots at her house rather than mine cuz her yards have more foliage :] hehe...]]
was kinda so proud of this crop of photos that i entered it in the chictopia "impress for less" contest! *ahh...! my first chictopia contest...!* though i'm probably not gonna win, it's still exciting to enter one [[since i hardly do due to my lack of a winning streak :/ ]]
wish me luck! :D
shoes-hand me down from my cousin
necklace-love diva
sunglasses-hot topic
guitar hero 3 guitar-borrowed from cousin